In this week's Queens Tribune, out yesterday, there's a profile of me and my campaign on page 10! This is the first traditional media the campaign has received, and it's very exciting. The piece is very well-written by Liz Skalka, and describes my non-traditional background, some of my goals, and even mentions our kickoff fundraiser holiday party this Saturday, December 15th! Pick up your copy of the Queens Tribune at newsstands everywhere (ok, everywhere in Queens, NY) today!
Interestingly enough, just 3 pages later, the Tribune has a feature article about Jack Friedman, the new executive vice president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce, of which I am a proud member. Jack had been rumored to be my top competitor for the 23rd District City Council job- from the looks of this article, it appears that he chosen a different direction:
"Friedman sought to continue building that governmental resume as he seriously considered running for City Council in 2009. But that changed after he was offered the Chamber position.
“My only consideration right now is being executive vice president of the Queens Chamber of Commerce and doing the best job I can,” he promised."
Good luck, Jack, in all of your endeavors!
And thanks most of all to the Queens Tribune for reporting on all of the early happenings in the City Council '09 race!
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5 months ago