I like Peter Koo. I've never met him,and don't know too much about him, but from what I've read and heard, he seems like a pretty admirable guy: Self made small business owner, (like I am) very active in the community (like I am)- and now running to be the first Asian American elected to the New York State Senate. (Ok, I'm not that.)
He is also a Republican. (Ok, I'm definitely not that.)
2 days ago, I received an invitation on Facebook to join a group in support of his candidacy. I hesitated for a moment, then joined. I knew he was running against longtime NYS Senator Toby Stavisky, whom I liked and admired. I just wanted to support an underdog, even if he was a Republican.
Within hours, I received a message on Facebook from a young Democrat warning me not to affiliate myself publicly with Koo, a Republican. I thought about it, discussed it with my wife, and, moments ago, left the Facebook group.
The truth is, both parties are riddled with corruption, "machine" politics, and a lot of old-school back-of-the-room deals, and both parties need serious reform. But I am a Democrat, and proud to be one.
I may also be a fiscally-conservative business owner, and a novice running for political office, and I may have a lot in common with Peter Koo. But ultimately, I probably have more in common with Toby Stavisky, a fellow graduate of a specialized public high school (she from Bronx Science, I from Hunter), former public school teacher, lifelong Democrat and champion of the underdog. Stavisky was actually the first woman elected to the NY State Senate!
I wish them both luck, and may the best person win. If Stavisky ever creates a facebook group, maybe I'll join that one.
Hi Dave,
I'm a student at Columbia Journalism School who is writing a story about Peter Koo's campaign for the State Senate seat, and I stumbled upon your blog post. I'm very interested in looking at young voters' support of Koo vs. Stavisky and would love to talk with you more about your thoughts on the cadidates/race - especially since you are running for city council and clearly active in local politics. If there is any chance you might be free to meet or talk by phone this week, that would be terrific - I am at xj2121@columbia.edu or 917-353-7646, and I will be in the Flushing area Tuesday and Wed. Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
Annie Jia
I met Peter Koo the other day... He was as passionate about New York as we was with America... He was so wonderful... he reminded me of Ronald Reagan... and why is the word "Republican" so bad... I don't have a pot to *** in but the Republican party is not for the rich.. it's for the hard working, honest innovative Americans. The Democrats must keep us poor or we won't vote for them.. I know the American people deserve a break on taxes..companies need incentives to grow and hire.. utility bills should be lower; not higher,, the stock market should work,, not dry up...innovators need to be rewarded, scientists must continue to experiment... Dave, don't make this into a party thing... Democrats say they hate war and badmouth President George Bush for protecting us.. while President Obama fights a war in Aghanistan and Pakistan.. war is a part of life... the world is not harmonious....we need to protect American with strenth, pride, spirit and economic smarts.... Peter Koo is an wonderful example of an immigrant who came here,, loved this country,,commited no crime,,, built a business.. hired,,,and made jobs,, paid taxes and cares enough to run... please give him a chance.... we all deserve his voice and his kindness..he gets it...
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