I like Peter Koo. I've never met him,and don't know too much about him, but from what I've read and heard, he seems like a pretty admirable guy: Self made small business owner, (like I am) very active in the community (like I am)- and now running to be the first Asian American elected to the New York State Senate. (Ok, I'm not that.)
He is also a Republican. (Ok, I'm definitely not that.)
2 days ago, I received an invitation on
Facebook to join a group in support of his candidacy. I hesitated for a moment, then joined. I knew he was running against longtime NYS Senator Toby Stavisky, whom I liked and admired. I just wanted to support an underdog, even if he was a Republican.
Within hours, I received a message on Facebook from a young Democrat warning me not to affiliate myself publicly with Koo, a Republican. I thought about it, discussed it with my wife, and, moments ago, left the Facebook group.
The truth is, both parties are riddled with corruption, "machine" politics, and a lot of old-school back-of-the-room deals, and both parties need serious reform. But I am a Democrat, and proud to be one.
I may also be a fiscally-conservative business owner, and a novice running for political office, and I may have a lot in common with Peter Koo. But ultimately, I probably have more in common with Toby Stavisky, a fellow graduate of a specialized public high school (she from Bronx Science, I from Hunter), former public school teacher, lifelong Democrat and champion of the underdog. Stavisky was actually the first woman elected to the NY State Senate!
I wish them both luck, and may the best person win. If Stavisky ever creates a facebook group, maybe I'll join that one.