Friday, March 21, 2008

Gennaro a Good Speaker at JFK Club

James Gennaro was the guest speaker at Morty Povman's JFK Regular Democratic Club Thursday night (on whose Board I sit) and he did a very nice job. Gennaro is the current City Councilman from the club's district and he will be term limited out in 2009. Of course, he hopes to not have to worry about that because he's running against longtime Republican State Senator Frank Padavan this year.

The race will be an uphill battle for Gennaro against the ever-popular Padavan, but he did impress at the meeting Thursday. He talked about environmental issues and fiscal equity issues mostly, joking about his recent success at Sundance and talking about the Dems goals of finally taking over the State senate this year.

Good luck, James and let me know how I can help!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Open Message to Male Politicians: Keep it in Your Pants!

The recent news of Eliot Spitzer's illegal involvement with a prostitution ring is nothing short of a total embarrassment, to Spitzer and his family, to New York state, and really to males everywhere.

What the f---?

What makes this so tragic is that Spitzer, the current Governor of New York (undoubtedly not for long) and former Attorney General of New York, has for many years had a squeaky clean image as a family man- and has vigorously pursued criminals and established himself as an upholder of justice for all.

Now he must resign. Whether or not you agree with the morality of the laws concerning prostitution, the laws are there. Worse, because he transported a prostitute across state lines, he has committed a federal crime.

But the worst part of this is not the criminal element. It is the humiliation of another male political leader, a husband and father.

Spitzer's screwup is only one (though arguably the worst) in a long line of idiotic male political leaders:
President Bill Clinton
Governor James McGreevey
Senator Larry Craig
Gary Condit.
Newt Gingrich.
The list goes on and on....

As a young man running for New York City Council and embarking on my own political career, but more important as a proud husband and father, today, I am embarrassed to be a man.


There is absolutely no excuse. If you are a man who takes wedding vows, you have a legal and moral responsibility to your wife not to cheat. If you are an elected official, you have an even greater responsibility to the public to be a role model: To do what is legal and what is right.
If you can't do that, then don't get married, and certainly, don't run for public office!

None of us is perfect. I am certainly far from perfect myself. However, there are certain standards that we must hold ourselves to and that we must hold our elected officials to.

Too many men, most recently Spitzer, have not met these standards, and have disappointed their families and the public.

Just keep it in your pants. It's really that simple.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My First Club Speech Ever!

Last night I had the great pleasure of being the featured speaker at The LGBT Queens Democrats Club, led by my new friend and UFT brother Daniel Dromm. Danny, also running for City Council in the Jackson Heights area of Queens, was kind enough to invite me to speak, and the entire club was friendly, warm and welcoming, from all of their members to their president, Bruce.

My wife was kind enough to come as well and film much of the meeting, and we'll be posting excerpts later. I was a little nervous at first, but mostly very excited. I began by giving a brief bio of myself, from my days at Hunter High School, which featured a 10%+ Club for LGBT kids and their friends, to my college graduation when my best friend came out to me, to my current family, where even though I'm a straight married guy, because I'm a stepfather, my daughter Charlotte has 2 daddies.

I reviewed the 4 major areas of my platform, and then we had a group conversation about issues pertaining to the LGBT community such as marriage equality and homeless NYC LGBT youth. It was not only fun and interesting for me, but truly enlightening- and I look forward to continuing to work with the members and leadership of the club throughout my candidacy and hopefully my term in the Council. Thanks again to Danny for inviting me and making me feel so welcome!